So it has been a little while since I have last posted. I'm a slacker what can I say. Things have been going really good for our family. All of the children have adjusted really well to church and school. Mason received student of the month his first month. Michelle earned a lunch with the Principal. Both Mason and Saige have started transitioning into a mainstream classroom. ALL children happily go to their classes on Sunday. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for things to go any more smoothly than they have. As far as the progress on the house goes that is moving along too. In fact we are set to close on the 15th of next month. We are so excited and can hardly believe that it's almost time. There will be a lot of changes once we move as far as decor goes and also living arrangements. The boys will be sharing a room as well as the girls. I don't think that they will mind, especially since they really don't spend all that much time in their rooms. I think that we will not see them for a while when we move as they will have so much space to play and have their toys back!
Speaking of toys today I ordered a few products that will hopefully help little Miss Saige with her oral fixations as well as help with positive reinforcement for all of the children. The first thing I ordered for her was a chew butterfly that I can make into a necklace for her. You see she is constantly chewing on things and/or having her hands, hair, clothes, or whatever in her mouth. This chew as well as the triangle shaped one should help her with this.

Next up I ordered this awesome chips system for the children. Each tube can hold up to 35 chips and on the outside of them you can set a goal for the child so that they have a visual for them to achieve. I can't wait to hand out chips for helping, using manners, making good choices, etc. I am really hoping that this system works!