Saturday, May 16, 2009

random updates

So, just in case you happened to forget....Kristen comes home Friday morning!  Time has really gone by so fast lately.  I just hope that she is doing alright with trying to adjust to coming home!

I finally did it!  Yep, I ordered five Sunday papers each week!  Crazy I know but I'm hoping to save even more on food!  I will give it a fair chance and see what happens.  I know a lot of people who have had success with this so let's hope it works for us.

I'm excited to get to go the Temple this afternoon with family.  Lonnie's cousin and his cousin's fiance are both going through for their own endowment.  It will be so nice to just relax and soak up the wonderful Spirit that is found within the House of the Lord.  Not to mention the peace and quiet away from kiddos and the crazy everyday world.  

There is an awesome class on Tuesday evening about canning meats and making salsa and all kinds of yummy stuff.  I can't wait to learn more!  This week I will be making our laundry detergent, canning butter (thanks Sherri), making homemade granola bars, making homemade condensed soups, and trying to make white bread to see if Mr. Mason will eat it!  Lots going on this next week!  Have a fun weekend!


Kendra said...

Canning butter? I want to learn how!!! I'm super impressed with all your food storage resourcefulness!

Camie Walworth said...

Are you doing coupon sense?

Rich and Nicole said...

tell me more about the 5 news papers!

Jenni said...

wow-five papers! you are brave! hope you save lots of money!