What can I say? I love these kiddos so much! Althought there is something wrong with this picture! Surgery was this morning and things went very well. All along the doctor said to think skinny because the skinner my ankle was going into surgery the quicker the healing time would be. And today he made it huge! Oh well it's all for a good cause I suppose. He is an amazing doctor and I am very grateful that I was in his hands. So I will be chilling at my parents house for the next two weeks. This will be interesting. Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts. I had a very uneasy feeling prior to today. I have been praying for comfort in knowing that everything would be just fine, and it was. Thanks again!
heehee! that picture is priceless!
glad to know that you are doing well! enjoy the time away and being pampered at your parents!
bless your heart! And your foot!!
I was planning to drop by un announced on Saturday with some chicken salad you can eat anytime you needed an easy meal. I'd love to help or visit. Let me know how. Glad everything went so well.
I was praying for you yesterday!! Glad it went well...I have a care package in the mail today...its going to your house...hopefully you will get it!!
I'm so glad the surgery went well! 2 weeks is a long time to be away from home but I'm glad you'll be well taken care of by your sweet parents. Good luck with the recovery!
& that is one stinkin cute pic of the kids!
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