My beautiful sister-in-law and wonderful brother had their second child this morning! She is beautiful! Enjoy some pictures! To see some more pictures go to
I had the opportunity to speak with my sister today. She is on her way to Paraguay! It is hard to believe that her time at the MTC is up. She sounds so excited and had so much to say. I am so grateful for the decision she made to serve the Lord. Our family has been incredibly blessed these last few months from new job offers to receiving adoption dates after over two years and so much more. I know that we are blessed because of her serving the Lord. I can't even imagine how she will bless the lives of so many in Paraguay. We love you "aunt Kiki". Keep up the good work!
I just wanted to let everyone know that everyone is home now and getting better (hopefully)! Gage was released from the hospital this morning. It is nice to have him home...things feel complete. We pray that he continues to get better. Thank you again to everyone who has helped us out. From watching our children, to bringing us meals, to visiting us in the hospital, or just being there to talk to Lonnie and I really appreciate everything and feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!
We just found out our adoption date for Michelle & Mason. It will be on March 15th in the morning. I cannot believe that I am writing this! We have waited so long and we are so excited!! :)
I have spent the last three nights in the hospital with our little angel. He did great the first night and day. He even was given discharge papers yesterday morning by the doctor. Unfortunately, he made a slight turn downhill. He is now back on oxygen and is really having a difficult time getting all of the gunk out of his chest. So, needless to say, he will be there for at least two more days. We are praying that he has a better day today!
As for my other three children, I feel like they've been a little neglected lately. So, I thought that I would share some recent fun photos of them. I love each and every one of them so much. They truly will never be able to comprehend what sweet blessings they are to me. I am sooo grateful and humbled that the Lord has entrusted such beautiful, precious spirits to me and my husband. I am very blessed to be a mother and I pray that I may be able to teach them how special they truly are, not only the Lonnie and I, but also to the Father in Heaven!
As many of you know all of our children have been sick this entire week. We have spent everyday in either the urgent care or the hospital. Everyone is getting better except for little Gage. He was admitted to Thunderbird Hospital early Saturday morning. He is fighting RSV. We are praying that he gets better soon so that he can come home. It is really hard having a little one in the hospital and not being able to be there. We love you Gage!