Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy {belated} Birthday Michelle!

So this post is one day late.  Oh well.  Such is life.  Yesterday was Michelle's 5th birthday!  How on earth do we have a 5 year old?  The time has flown by and I cannot believe how big she is getting. She is growing so fast but still maintains to be such a sweet and amazing little girl!

Since this post is about Michelle I have to share a great story...more for documentation purposes. A couple of days ago Michelle went with me to the grocery store during nap time.  As soon as we walked in there was this inflated pumpkin that had a ghost coming in and out of it.  She looks at it and says, "Look mom.  It's the Holy Ghost!"  She was so stinkin' cute!  After trying not to crack up completely and making too much of a scene I told her that that is not the Holy Ghost but a Halloween ghost.  So as I'm checking things out on the aisle I here..."Hey Holy Ghost.  How's it going today?"  Man I love this little miracle!


Jenni said...

Funny story!

Happy Birthday Little Shelly!

Amber said...

So funny!! Thanks for sharing!