After the rain, the sky was so beautiful. I love how clean and fresh the air is after a good soaking!

Two of the most handsome men alive! fall asleep in the high chair. Those were the days!

Mason table dancing. I wonder who taught him this?....Grandma!
Okay, so I better explain. A while back I was having a scrapbooking night at my house and we were setting up the tables. Well, my mother decided that it was okay for Mason to get on top and dance. The very next day at nursery he got in trouble for getting on top of the table! Therefore, he is now known as the "table dancer".

The two photos above are what you get when you ask Michelle to catch the rain on her tongue.

We are never sure what to do with Gage's hair. Can you tell?

Every time we go out back to play Michelle picks a flower from the lantana bush. I absolutely hate the way the smell! Oh well she's a girly girl!

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