Well, I feel like I haven't blogged in a long time. So much has been going on lately and our days are so full now that it has been hard to keep up with this "blog world". Oh well. Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately. School, school and did I mention school? All things considered things are going really well. I was even able to make 2 dinners, 4 loaves of bread, brownies, do a couple loads of laundry, and bathed all four kiddos! It was nice to finally feel productive!
First up, I have to take a moment and brag about Michelle. You see I had the children starting on the BOB Books but I have come to realize that they are starting to guess on words and not sound them out. Not at all what I wanted. So we have switched to some sight words and more common words that they can sound out. I showed these words to her Friday and she was able to sound them all out on her own! I could not believe it. Luckily Lonnie was home and he too got to join in on this celebration....to see her beaming with such pride was awesome! None of these words are her sight words, because those ones she cannot sound out and are thus sentenced to the red pocket chart because they don't follow the rules! :)

Here is little Miss Saige doing one of her favorite things....reading! Yes, I know the books behind her are a mess, but hey everyone has to pick their battles and frankly if they want their books messy who cares?
Love this one of Michelle and Gage! Getting some loves after working hard on a puzzle together!
Mason working independently on his 100 piece puzzle, which I might add he does all by himself!
I LOVE these next two photos! You never know what you are going to see around our house and here is the proof! Yes that is Gage with his night shirt on and a pink TuTu! Gotta love it!
Oh man! Mom caught me on camera!!! :)
This next one melts my heart. Mason has always been so loving and gentle with his younger brother. We truly are blessed to have such amazing children in our home.
My beautiful Saige Michael.
Another one of Gage. He always is squinting in photos...so annoying! But he's still cute.
The next couple of photos are of the children digging for dinosaurs. This stinkin' toy we bought at Marshall's and it was such a waste and so frustrating for them. They were supposed to dig for fossils. The sand was so tough. We even got out the electric knife and had problems. So, needless to say, it has gone with the garbage man.
I am so fortunate to be able to be surrounded by such pure love and joy everyday! Don't get me wrong we have our moments, and even days but it is all so worth it. I still get a bit overwhelmed when I think about this homeschooling journey we have taken, but I have seen so much progress with each child and to be there when they are learning and to see it "click" with them is priceless. I love the fact that we can start each day with a family prayer, work on songs for the Primary Program, and just learn together everyday. Even when we aren't officially at school there are so many learning opportunities all around. Here's to another fun couple of weeks of learning!