We had so much fun the week of Christmas. We were able to go up to Heber to visit Lonnie's grandparents. This was the first time that our children got to see and play in snow. They loved it! Here are just a few of our favorite pictures!
Setting the scene...

Thanks to Uncle Brent mommy was finally in a picture!

I think that the look on Lonnie's face says it all!

Brent, Candice, Grandma and Grandpa Durham were so kind to come to our house! Thanks guys!
Little Miss Saige.

Our baby! What a stud!

Grandpa Moffitt made necklaces and bracelets for the girls! I love the expression on both of their faces!

Uncle Brent had some fun too!

Love the look on Mason's face.

and Michelle's too.

The scenery was gorgeous! I took this shot early one morning. Love it!
Aunt Candice getting Saige with a snowball.

"Look mommy...snow!"

"I cold mommy."

Cousin Kyan.

Uncle Brent got Mason this leave blower with goggles. Mason LOVED it!

More presents!

One of my absolute favorite picture of all time of Mr. Mason!

Michelle just got Uncle Brent with a snowball. Love her face...she knows she just nailed him! Good job Michelle!

Can you feel the love?

What's Up?

Grandma Moffitt with her two youngest grandchildren, Lola and Gage.

the boys...

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We are so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful families. Thanks everyone!
You guys look like you had a great Christmas this year! Glad to see it! Love all of the pictures...especially the ones in the snow!
that looks so fun love the pics!!
Looks like you all had tons of fun in the snow! I am dieing to go play in the snow but can't. Maybe after Cali arrives. I love the picture of Gage sitting in the snow and touching, such a fantastic photo!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Oh my gosh I LOVE all of these pictures! I have missed your cute kids, I feel like I haven't seen them in forever. Gage and Saige look so old! I love Gage's cute smile with all those teeth :) And I was cracking up at Mason with his goggles. Totally his personality. Michelle is a cutie as always, I haven't seen her at church lately so she couldn't sit by me! Looks like you had a fun and great Christmas:):):)
too cute! looks like they had a great time!
What great pictures! Sounds like you had a fun Christmas. How can you not with kids, right?
A leaf blower??! That cracks me up! Looks like it's a hit. Glad you guys had fun.
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